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Marketing Strategy & Tactical Planning:  Brand Personality, Differentiation & Key Marketing Tools

Differentiation - Marketing

When developing a marketing plan, the strategies and tactics that you will use are key. Clear Goal Marketing explains how to effectively position your product or service in the marketplace; considering things like the brand personality that you will project and how you will differentiate yourself.

How will you stand out?

Consider the market you are entering/operating in and how you will effectively compete.

Who is your biggest rival?

How will your offer stand out and what will attract your target audience?

What will differentiate your product or service?

What is your market positioning?

Niche or mass market? Multi-channel?

Will you compete on price or offer a premium product and/or service?

How will you add value to your target audience?

Brand personality – logo, strapline and brand portfolio

Do you have a set of corporate guidelines for your company that dedicates how your brand is presented to the world? This is important in order to maintain consistency across all your marketing and build your brand image. Your logo should display clearly your company name and project your core values through the colours you use, i.e:

Red = passionate, active, exciting, bold, energy, youthful, physical, pioneering

Pink = Love, calm, respect, warmth, long-term, feminine, intuitive, care, assertive

Purple = Deep, creative, unconventional, original, stimulation, individual, wealth

Navy = Trust, order, loyalty, sincere, authority, communication, peace, control

Green = Balance, growth, restore, sanctuary, equilibrium, positivity, generous

Blue = Spirit, perspective, content, control, rescue, determination, goals, ambition

Orange = Instinct, warmth gut reaction, optimistic, spontaneity, extrovert, social

Your strapline should give your target audience more information and, in a few words, explain what your company stands for, i.e “Marketing that makes commercial sense”.

Marketing Tools

There are many marketing tactics that you can use to promote your business. At Clear Goal Marketing we work together with our clients as part of their team, to ensure their strategy is clearly understood. Then we recommend the best marketing tactics for them based on the budget available. It is vital that the tactics chosen are closely aligned with commercial objectives and strategic goals.

Here are some of the tools you can use to promote your business:

  • Advertising – online, print, television, transport, radio etc

  • E-shots / mailshots

  • Exhibitions / seminars

  • Packaging

  • Podcasts / Video

  • PR / Case studies / Testimonials / Blogging

  • Printed materials / Literature

  • Education / Training / CPD

  • Social media – Twitter, YouTube, Linked-in, Facebook

  • Website – online literature, data sheets, search engines, pay-per-click

Consider how much budget you have to spend on marketing and the best tools to deliver your message to your target audience. Who will manage your marketing? Will you look to hire an agency, a consultant or manage in-house?

Once you have found your ideal brand personality, understand how you can differentiate your product or service, and what marketing tools fit your budget, then next stage is how you will implement your marketing and monitor results – read more here.

Clear Goal Marketing offers marketing management services to small to medium-sized businesses, specialising in strategy planning, campaign management, digital marketing and social media. Read more about the services we offer here – Clear Goal Marketing’s services page.

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