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Case study - turning a 'problem' into a successful marketing strategy

When presented with a business issue, most just think to problem solve in the hope of finding an immediate fix. However, with strategic marketing it is possible to turn issues on their head and create something exceptional for business... the metaphor 'thinking outside the box' springs to mind.

This case study is an overview of the application of strategic marketing in the creation of a membership network that was developed, implemented and managed to make fabricators’ more successful when supplying windows, doors and curtain walling to the ‘commercial’ sector.

marketing consultancy - thinking outside the box

Problem solving at its best

This is an example of how a carefully thought-out business marketing strategy does not only result in effective problem solving and productivity efficiency gains, but also significant improvement in customer loyalty and a competitive business edge.

The scheme requires research, strategy development, launch plans and roll-out of marketing campaigns, working closely with the commercial sales director and in-house graphic design team. This experience was gained during working for a market leader of extruded plastics for building products.

Weaknesses become opportunities

This project is a prime example of how what once was a major “issue” and business weakness can be turned on its head and developed into a “competitive advantage”. It’s often that during the search for a solution and that ‘light-bulb moments’ happen, and great ideas are born.

A problem for one is often an issue for many and it is the early bird that catches the worm through thinking strategically and being first to launch an idea ahead of the competition.

The marketing strategy formula

The premise of the network at the time was to gain control over commercial projects, to better manage technical resources and to improve brand reputation through achieving greater consistency in terms of product and service delivery. More information here about why the scheme was needed.

The Approved Window Contractors scheme was launched in 2012 to fabricator and specification channels in a clever push and pull marketing strategy. The push strategy focused on obtaining new members and supporting the fabricator base.

The pull strategy consistently promoted the network to the specifier to generate project leads, whilst differentiating the brand in the marketplace as having another ‘string to the bow’ of its unrivalled customer support package. More on the thinking behind the strategy.

The scheme involved offering the commercial fabricator a package of benefits that no-one else was offering. This would support them in their business and improve the overall brand reputation through improved product and service. More information here on the package of benefits offered.

The network was promoted in the specification press in publications such as Specification Magazines, Housing Specification and LABM through a campaign of advertising and PR, which stretched both on and offline. The network was promoted through all media channels, website, brochures and online directories.

Artwork was developed through in-house graphic designers. Campaigns reached out to architects and specifiers further through RIBA and NBS contacts, via product bulletins, email newsletters and sponsored banner advertising. Read more about what was done and how it was delivered.

Greater control over projects was secured, internal resources were better managed, commercial fabricators were supported, and brand reputation improved due to more consistency in specification projects delivery. Read more about the result and outcomes of the network and campaign.

Success on a budget

The success was driven by use of internal resources all working together to develop, launch and run the campaign without outside resources. Lots of companies spend unlimited amounts of budget on the launch of schemes, however in this case everything was done in-house utilising the resource that existed.

All administration forms, databases, welcome packs, communications campaign were developed in-house to keep outlay low, enabling the scheme to be successful earlier and grow organically.

Do you have a problem in your business that could become a competitive advantage?

Do you need a professional strategic marketing consultant to help launch the idea in your head or sitting on your desk?

Would you benefit from freelance marketing consultancy assistance to make it happen NOW?

We aim to work with you and your business to develop clever marketing strategies focused on delivering exceptional results.

If Clear Goal can assist contact Wendy email or tel: 07980 707198 or visit

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